Huntress Bitters {The Maiden}



On a dark forest night she came on the back of a storm cloud…


Stories of Artemis and Diana, the Greek and Roman goddesses of the hunt and protectors of the forest skim through the mind when wandering through a dark mossy wood. But there is another, one forgotten to time and destroyed by war and pillaging.

Her name is Devana or Dziewanna, “the maiden” in Polish. This Slavic goddess is the equivalent of her Roman and Greek sisters. As the maiden, she represents the wild headstrong pinnacle of the maiden-mother-crone triangle. Her mysterious existence along with her ties to my Polish and Slavic ancestry drew me to her, and thus, after many walks in the wild woods thinking of her roaming the Carpathian Mountains in Poland, Huntress was born.

Devana by  Andy Paciorek

Devana by Andy Paciorek

Herbal Spotlights

To embody this wild woman of the woods, I called upon forest medicines close to my heart. One of the main notes in this blend is birch, a beautifully cooling herb with hints of wintergreen. Birch also plays a large role in many mythologies around the world as a protector of the forest. In Slavic mythology, she is considered “the white lady of the woods”. You can see how she gained such magical prominence when you come upon a grove of ethereal white birch in a dark wood. Their presence is almost ghostly yet calming, same as their medicine.

Another revered ingredient in this blend is white pine. This magnificent evergreen is one of my favorite tree medicines of all time, not just because of its versatility, but because of its calming presence. Just sitting at the feet a great grandmother white pine brings the mind to ease as her boughs billow above you. Her peaceful nature is transferred to her medicine. The needles which are extracted in this blend are not only great for soothing digestion, but also to soothe a weary spirit.

To sweeten the pot even further, lemon balm worked its way into this blend as a forest-loving herb with a potent citrus aroma. Its gentle sedative properties help to calm the mind and the tummy.

Added Essence

Huntress is wrapped up with a beautiful valerian flower essence which helps us to focus on the present moment. As a woman of the hunt and protector of the forest, a Huntress must be cool, calm and collected with her mind on the moment at hand. Valerian’s essence brings these notions full circle to create a blend that is calming for both digestive system and mind {plus its downright delicious}.

How to Enjoy This Blend

Huntress needs nothing more than a glass of sparkling water to be enjoyed. Add 1/4-1/2 tsp and envelope yourself in the spirit of the woods. If you’d like to add a twist, squeeze a bit of lemon in your glass to enhance its citrus notes.

Huntress is also a beautiful addition to your tea as it adds a bit of complexity and flavor along with its digestive benefits.

You can also add them to these Birch and Yule Cookies for a bit of added magic.

Valerie Alcorn